When gamers discover a classic, they hold onto it like a grudge formed in high school. We can’t help it – once that connection has been made, we can’t ignore the memories it evokes years later.
Need For Speed: Underground 2 is still considered “peak gaming” despite its age, so imagine our surprise when we unearthed a playable remaster that pretty much gives us everything we’ve ever wanted.
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Not only does it give the game a much needed graphics boost now that we’re 20 years older and wiser, it’s also a mod you can play for yourselves rather than just being forced to stare at the beautiful ray tracing.
Titled Need For Speed: Underground 2 Remix, this update will get that adrenaline pumping, and not just because your speedometer is hitting dangerous speeds. This mod is also still in development, meaning tweaks to its code will come as the modders behind this 60fps remaster fine tune their project.
“I love how much it improves it. RTX is making the old games look like just how we see them in our memories instead of the blurry and jaggy pixels they've always been,” said one delighted fan. Another gamer shared their excitement having just downloaded the mod for some hands on test driving.
Although this mod is a wonderful find for Need For Speed fans, it isn’t the same as getting an official remaster of the game, something the fandom is still campaigning for to this day. Few racing games have hit the lightning speeds of the beloved classic, which is why so many want to see it brought back to life so everyone can partake in its fun.
Should you be able and willing to download this mod to try it out, you can do so by visiting this page. Remember, the mod is still being worked on so issues may pop up before it’s perfected.
Topics: Need For Speed, PC, Mods, EA