Hogwarts Legacy delivered upon launch, but it hasn’t exactly fulfilled its potential when it comes to post-launch content.
Yes, Hogwarts Legacy is by no means a perfect game but it certainly establishes some solid foundations.
The combat is engaging, the story is fun enough, and Hogwarts castle itself is a thrill to explore.
The wider world is far too obsessed with caves and ruins, but that’s something that could be rectified via DLC or a sequel.
Players were also disappointed that after those opening 10 or so hours in which you’d attend classes to learn various spells, the ‘school’ aspect of Hogwarts Legacy became pretty non-existent.
You could wander around Hogwarts all you liked, but there wasn’t particularly a reason to.
Fans begged for class-inspired minigames, but nothing of the sort ever arrived.
That may be something else we could see in a sequel but for now, a stellar mod has arrived which could tick that box for PC users.
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is also out now, launching last month.
The ‘Class System’ mod is the work of NexusMods user nathdev.
“Immerse yourself deeper into Hogwarts with 28 unique classes, from Potions to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Attend lessons from 8:30 to 11:30, complete homework in the library, and face the consequences of detention if you miss too many classes,” reads the synopsis.
There are four episodes to engage in for each of the following classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, History of Magic, and Charms.
There are 11 episodes for Herbology.
Each class has been carefully written, with fans learning new information via a text novel system. The choices you make within classes are said to affect future ones.
You can only complete one class per day, but they won’t unlock until you’ve completed the main game quest ‘Beasts Class’.
Following your class, your character will be given homework you’ll need to do in the library in exchange for house points.
Miss a class or your homework and you’ll have to attend detention, your house points also being docked.
You’ll be able to find out if you’ve won the house point tournament once you’ve completed all 28 classes.
This mod sounds fantastic, and I’d imagine plenty of you will be giving it a whirl as it’s free to download on NexusMods.
For console players, let’s hope developers take note for the game’s inevitable sequel or that rumoured Director’s Cut.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros, PC, Mods