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Fallout 4 looks like Fallout 5 in jaw dropping new graphics update

Fallout 4 looks like Fallout 5 in jaw dropping new graphics update

Our jaw is still on the floor

We never thought we’d see Fallout 4 looking quite so beautiful (beautiful for a post-apocalyptic world), but these new graphics are stunning.

Part of the Fallout franchise’s charm is its janky edges; it almost wouldn’t feel authentically Bethesda without that aesthetic.

Yet we can’t deny how jaw droppingly amazing this graphics update for Fallout 4 is.

As much as we adore the stylised aesthetic of the original, these contemporary, vibrant visuals add such depth to this ravaged world.

These Fallout 4 graphics are a thing of beauty

We know you’re all braced for a new adventure officially coming out next month, but we suggest you take a momentary break to explore the wonders of ultra modded Fallout.

It looks how we imagine Fallout 5 will look.

Of course, we hope we won’t need to install 300 plus mods when the next Fallout title launches to achieve such a polished finish.

This overhaul is “insanely crisp”.

Another fan commented saying, “Looking good! I love the lens flare personally. Adds to the cinematic feel.”

“Insane! The nukes in the dark got me cold; jaw dropping,” posted @loko2131.

Gorgeous to look at as it is, we understand that some of you prefer the muddier visuals we associate with this series.

Consequently, if you prefer keeping things as they are, you might want to investigate this loading screen secret the majority of us have overlooked for years.

Will it change your life? Doubtful. However, it’ll make your life in-game that little bit more personalised.

We so often feel as jaded as The Ghoul when we play Fallout, it’s about time we embody some of Lucy’s plucky heroism.

Should you prefer the vibrancy of the enhanced Fallout 4, there's an upcoming release that's said to be the next best thing to Fallout 5 dropping early.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to spend more time admiring these new Fallout 4 graphics.

Featured Image Credit: Digital Dreams - YouTube

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, Mods