If you were looking for a perfect excuse to revisit Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City (not that you need one), then look no further than this fantastic free mod.
Despite having a troubled and well-publicised launch, CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best sci-fi RPGs in recent years. Cyberpunk 2077 is all about player expression from the choices made in the story, its extensive character creator, multiple play styles and much more.
Check out the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty trailer below!
In a nutshell, it doesn't matter what tickles your fancy, in Night City, there’s just about something for everyone and if you’re a fan of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, a movie that heavily inspired Cyberpunk 2077, then you’re in for a treat.
Cyberpunk 2077 has three Life Paths that players can choose before beginning a campaign which will not only impact your character's backstory but also how the story campaign will be shaped, not to mention adding replay value. Those Life Paths are Corpo, Nomad and Street Kid.
However, thanks to modder RMK, there is now a game-changing fourth choice and that’s the Stealthrunner. Available to download right now for free via Nexusmods, as the name of the Life Path suggests, it’s one for stealth fans.
The description of the Stealthrunner mod states that it: “Tracks and rewards Ghost, Pacifist, No-Touch, and more objectives for almost every quest and gig. Adds an all-new stealth-focused perk tree to unlock new abilities such as Pickpocketing.”
The Stealthrunner mod which is inspired by the video game series Deus Ex and Dishonored also unlocks new items such as new variants of Optical Camo and it’s been updated for the 2023 expansion, Phantom Liberty.
What’s more, the mod adds brand new stealth-related objectives to main missions and side quests, as well as motivating the player to successfully utilise the stealth approach by rewarding bonus XP, Street Cred and in-game money.
So it’s fair to say that this Stealthrunner mod is well worth checking out if you’re a fan of Cyberpunk 2077. That being said, as is the nature of most mods, this is a PC exclusive.
Cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Bandai Namco, Mods, PC