A bunch of losers online are getting mad about some Cyberpunk 2077 content, which has prompted one of CD Projekt RED’s developers to jump on Twitter and explain the decision behind the release.
Thank you in advance to Brianna Reeves over on Dexerto for the original source!
In case you missed it, Fortnite now has a couple of Cyberpunk 2077 characters as skins.
The collab features Johnny Silverhands and female V, but notably left out male V as one of the skins.
Long story short, this upset some folks online - because of course it did.
Patrick K. Mills, the senior quest designer for Cyberpunk 2077 and the “loremaster” for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, took to Twitter so he could explain why male V was left out of the colab.
"Doing femme V instead of masc V in Fortnite was my call and I did it because I like femme V a little better and we already had a masc character in the form of Johnny," Mills revealed in his Twitter post.
"Both masc and femme v are great but we weren't gonna do both in this collab so a choice had to be made."
Ridiculous that a statement had to be made in the first place really, but it’s nice to know that Mills is taking the whole thing in his stride.
As should be obvious now from his explanation, clearly CD Projekt RED couldn’t include more than two skins in the collab so one character had to go.
So I suppose the real question is, would everyone have been equally mad if Johnny Silverhands was replaced with male V instead?
Can’t wait until they add Shadow the Hedgehog though, so we can have him alongside John Wick and Johnny Silverhands.. Three Keanu Reeves characters in one game will go so hard.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Fortnite