Edward Kenway, you stole our hearts in 2013, and you’re continuing to do so 11 years later.
Assassin’s Creed fans still hold Black Flag in high regard.
As someone who both played and watched other people play it, I understand why it’s so difficult to let this one go.
It’s something special.
“I've played almost all games of AC series, but Black Flag was different... probably the best one for me,” shared @kutserdar.
Even without any mods or adjustments, Black Flag still wows us.
However, this next-gen overhaul is a sight to behold.
Assassin's Creed Shadows is next for the franchise.
The fidelity is so crisp that fans are commenting on how it resembles what they saw when they first played the game back in 2013.
“This is what I saw back then when this game when I play it as a kid, such a memory,” said @farhansyihab.
It still amazes us that Ubisoft hasn’t taken the time to remaster this AC title; it’s sure to make a killing for the publisher if it did.
You can download the reshade preset via the YouTube video’s caption if you want to take a walk through the Caribbean with Kenway.
Or you can simply watch the showcase for nostalgia’s sake.
“The background music brings back that happy young child of me, running from school to home to switch on my console and play all day long... ohh those were the good old days,” posted @cezarsolomon9594.
Whenever you choose to leave the shores of Black Flag, you can be confident in the knowledge that other experiences similar to it are out there waiting for you.
One such free download is available on Steam, best described as Black Flag meets Valheim. A powerful combination, you’ll agree.
No matter how far you sail, you’ll always come back to Kenway and his crew.
When the game looks as beautiful as this next-gen creation, how can you not long to experience it once more?
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft, PC, Mods