It's a pretty great time to be a Pokémon fan, all things considered.
Last week saw the launch of a new mobile game which I'm quite honestly struggling to put down, and with the Nintendo Switch 2 on the horizon I'm quietly confident the next mainline games will be a big step up in terms of general performance.
We're also being blessed with one final fun Pokémon release before the end of the year, which might just be the perfect Christmas treat for any Pokémaniacs out there.
Releasing in December is a brand-new Pokémon-themed Monopoly set. I grant you, this isn't the big RPG we've been waiting for, and there have been other Pokémon Monopoly sets, but this one has a markedly different set of rules to make it feel more like a classic Pokémon experience.
In Pokémon Monopoly Edition (they should have just called it Pokémonopoly) there are 48 different Pokémon to catch. You need to collect one of each type - Grass, Fire, Water, Fighting, Psychic, Rock, Electric, and Ice - to win.
The Pokémon included in the set are:
- Geodude
- Graveller
- Onix
- Rhydon
- Tyranatar
- Rockruff,
- Spheal
- Abomasnow
- Mamoswine
- Froslass
- Cubchoo
- Eiscue
- Alakazam
- Slowpoke
- Espeon
- Wobbuffet
- Gardevoir
- Gothorita
- Mankey
- Machamp
- Hitmonlee
- Lucario
- Hawlucha
- Bewear
- Charmander
- Vulpix
- Arcanine
- Rapidash
- Magmar
- Torkoal,
- Voltorb
- Jolteon
- Ampharos
- Elekid
- Zebstrika
- Yamper
- Bulbasaur
- Exeggutor
- Sceptile
- Pansage
- Rowlet
- Smoliv
- Squirtle
- Magikarp
- Marill
- Mudkip
- Mantyke
- Greninja.
Instead of the usual Monopoly figures, you can move little statues of Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly, and Pikachu around the board. There are even battle mechanics, and various different biomes in place of traditional locations, which is where you'll work to catch Pokémon.
As far as Monopoly sets go this one has actually made some impressive changes. Take away the Monopoly name and this could easily be a truly original Pokémon board game. You can take a look at the board itself below.

This shiny new edition of Pokémon Monopoly releases 20 December, but you can pre-order now through the Hasbro Pulse store if you're keen.