Nintendo isn’t taking scalpers lightly.
With the Nintendo Switch 2 coming soon (we hope), Nintendo is planning ahead to deal with scalpers already hatching plans to take advantage of desperate fans.
Nintendo president, Shuntaro Furukawa, doesn’t believe the issues that plagued the original Switch will happen moving forward.
“At present, we do not believe that the shortage of components will have a significant impact on the production of the successor model,” Furukawa said, as per VGC.
This will be music to fans’ ears, especially after leaked information about the Switch 2’s storage capacity has left them divided.
The Switch 2, much like any new console, is a polarising subject.
Scalpers can't take away our Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete!
Fortunately, Nintendo’s anti-scalper plans aren’t causing such a division. In fact, gamers are praising Nintendo for its proactive approach.
They also have their own suggestions for how Nintendo can further avoid any unpleasantness.
“You give pre-release ‘dibs’ to people with good standing Nintendo accounts first,” suggested Redditor Paddlesons. “Let the people that actually give you all [their] money first crack at getting the new one and you'll cut down demand significantly.”
As one fan replied, it’s a method that “worked pretty well for Valve”.
Other gamers, however, are taking aim at the people who buy from scalpers and not the scalpers themselves.
User 0hy3hB4by posted, “If people would just be patient and not buy one from anyone but known retailers the first few months, it'd stop the bullshit. Let the scalpers sit on them and feel the greed backfire.”
Easier said than done, we're sad to say.
Some believe scalpers are an “inevitable” part of the Switch 2’s launch, which is a gloomy but, sadly, realistic belief.
We hope that isn’t the case, but scalpers always find a way, like cockroaches.
At least we can sleep a little better at night knowing Nintendo is trying to combat the issue ahead of time.
Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Tech