It’s been a long time since Mass Effect fans have felt this hyped about a new release, yet here we are, enjoying the massive win headed our way.
While nobody would dare to deny the creative brilliance of the Mass Effect trilogy, BioWare hasn’t always hit the mark as far as fans are concerned.
Mass Effect: Andromeda received less than favourably reviews; unfairly so, I might add.
Then Anthem proved to be a flawed outing from the developers.
And even though Mass Effect 5 updates have allowed would-be players to breathe a huge sigh of relief, BioWare's future isn’t necessarily clear nor bright.
Are you ready for it? Check out Dragon Age: The Veilguard below
Or so fans feared until they saw this new release.
This autumn, we’re finally returning to Thedas to see exactly what Solas has been up to, and to try and solve the mess that he’s made.
As a huge Dragon Age fan, I’m beyond pumped for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, as too are other fans.
“I think Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a pretty good direction for BioWare,” stated Reddit user Dusty_Tibbins.
They continue, “Yes, the combat in Veilguard simply does not have the ‘oomph’ other action games have, but the advantage is that it will have a very solid ‘BioWare RPG system’ behind the action gameplay.”
It’s up for debate whether the combat system has any real aggression behind it.
But few fans care about this, for they’re simply delighted to see a stellar RPG outing from BioWare once more.
“What sets these games apart is character, story, world and dialogue, these are what makes BioWare BioWare,” commented LightbringerEvanstar.
“These are the things I have little doubts about because it's the same people who wrote the last 3 games.”
Granted, the new Dragon Age has yet to release and thus we could all be giving it too much credit.
However, that seems unlikely given what’s gone before in the franchise, in addition to how much BioWare is aware of its need to stick the landing with this game.
“Honestly this looks like the most fun gameplay wise. Everything I am hearing about the character creation system sounds awesome. I honestly feel like they have a more complete vision this time,” remarked Valuable-Owl9985.
The proof will be in the pudding, though.
At least for now, however, the Mass Effect and Dragon Age fandoms are optimistic for what feels like the first time in a long time.
Topics: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Bioware, EA