The House you’re sorted into doesn’t necessarily determine your allegiances, however, some would argue it does reveal your moral standing. And, according to Hogwarts Legacy, the morals of its players are ambiguous at best.
As a Ravenclaw, I don’t wish to cast aspersions on my fellow wizards and witches, but it says something when the majority of the Hogwarts Legacy fandom are Slytherin. This doesn’t mean that they’re all dark wizards, however, it shows that Slytherin has a foreboding aura few can resist.
Will you let light or dark magic flow through you in Hogwarts Legacy?
The Harry Potter game’s stats also revealed that players have battled and defeated 5.25 billion evil wizards since launch, seemingly proving the point that not all Slytherin students are bad. What comes as more of a surprise, at least for me, is that only 17 percent of players are sorted into Ravenclaw – our House is wonderful, so this seems unfairly low.
However, as we all know, players often embody the character they’ve created, thus their choices may not truly reflect the House they belong to. See? More of you are Ravenclaws than you care to admit.
More awe inspiring than being a Slytherin is the fact that Hogwarts Legacy gamers have totted up over 740 million hours of gameplay. During those hours of adventuring, wizards have defeated 5.30 billion spiders, which seems a tad like overkill, but who are we to say you should spare the eight legged ones.
“Happy birthday, Hogwarts Legacy! So many magical and memorable moments!” said one fan in response to the game celebrating its one year anniversary (which is why these stats were released. Keep up).
As many will agree, “those are impressive numbers” from the fandom, though they’re numbers that could be greater if only the devs would stop delaying the free DLC. Despite being such a loved game, Hogwarts Legacy is letting down some of its fans by not giving them ‘Haunted Hogsmeade”, a DLC that was meant for this month.
It’s annoying we have to wait, but thank goodness we’ve had a whole year to immerse ourselves in a world that we refuse to let a certain someone taint with their questionable opinions and beliefs.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Warner Bros, Nintendo Switch