As much as we’re super stoked to see the GTA VI trailer after waiting for so long, we can’t help but be sad at all the cancelled Rockstar projects being revealed lately. Excuse us while we mourn the loss of great games that could have been if only the gaming stars had aligned…
Some of the cancelled projects won’t come as a shock; we’ve known for some time now that Bully 2, while a sequel fans long for, looks like it’ll never happen. But with its code having been found in the GTA V database, it feels like that wound has been made even deeper. Hope remains, but it dwindles each day. “Please don't give me hope for Bully 2,” cried one fan.
Grab those tissues while you watch the glorious Bully trailer
And now that we’ve learnt that both a GTA V DLC was canned and an open-world zombie game, we’re even more heartbroken to think of what Rockstar Games would look like today if all these plans had succeeded.
To make matters worse, if you can believe it, some gamers are speculating that GTA VI marks the end of Rockstar entirely. “GTA VI is the end for any more R* games,” one Redditor suggested, much to the shock of many others. Not only because it’s not founded on any facts, but because, if GTA VI is the huge success everyone is expecting, Rockstar will dominate the industry.
Perhaps it’s grief that’s fuelling this belief rather than facts…? Whatever their reason for such an ominous intrusive thought, we hope that Rockstar doesn’t end any time soon. We’ve suffered enough loss already without the devs calling time as well.
On that note, let’s try and look to the future, to hopefully happier times, when the GTA VI trailer has dropped and we can all whip ourselves up into a frenzy over it.
Topics: GTA 5, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, PC, PlayStation, Xbox