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Far Cry 3 fans stunned by new Unreal Engine 5 game

Far Cry 3 fans stunned by new Unreal Engine 5 game

This looks amazing

Far Cry players should keep an eye on this up and coming Unreal Engine 5 game, which is directly inspired by Far Cry 3.

While future Far Cry games expanded the series in both map size and gameplay mechanics, Far Cry 3 is a very special entry that many would consider their favourite.

Check out Far Cry 3 below

I wouldn’t call it the best game in the series as others certainly did things better, but for whatever reason Far Cry 3 just feels right, whether it’s to do with the story, combat, or the gorgeous, tropical open-world islands.

While Ubisoft is definitely working on the next Far Cry game, the title we’re talking about today is a fan game currently in development that’s directly inspired by Far Cry 3 and its tropical setting.

In a Reddit thread by the game’s creator nickkaverin, some gorgeous screenshots of an Unreal Engine 5 island were shared.

The game's creator said “Hey guys. It's been a while...Maybe someone remembers me, I was sharing my progress on game development a few months ago. Since I'm from Ukraine I had big troubles with electricity last month but now I came back to finish my game.”

They went on to say “I wasn't really happy with my level design so I decided to redo it and I want to share the result of this decision with you.”

People in the comments were blown away, with one saying “wow. It looks very atmospheric. I can see that a lot of work has been done.”

Another says “damn this looks super cool! Keep continuing on this, the graphics look stunning.”

Finally one said “How much depends on the lighting, looks very juicy.”

There’s no word on when this fan-game will be completed, but when it does and is readily available it looks like it’ll be a great one to try for fans of Far Cry 3.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Far Cry, Ubisoft, PC