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Dark Souls: The Willow King officially releasing this August

Dark Souls: The Willow King officially releasing this August

We can't wait

A new Dark Souls adventure starts this August, though it’s going to be drastically different from the games we know and love.

The world of Dark Souls is a convoluted mess when it comes to lore, with the need for a degree to understand even the basic history of its world.

Check out GAMIMGbible’s review of Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, which releases tomorrow!

Other FromSoftware games like Elden Ring are a bit easier to understand but still quite confusing, and then there are titles like Bloodborne which seemingly have no rhyme or reason at all unless you dig deep.

However those are the games we’re talking about, and if you’re a fan of the world, characters and overall themes, you can enjoy a more linear experience with all of that included courtesy of the books.

One such book is releasing this August and it’s called Dark Souls: The Willow King, which sounds like a fantastic boss fight and should be in Dark Souls 4 if it ever gets developed.

The plot summary is as follows: “The mighty king Ustrad of Uthrel linked the flame, after his servant Herad failed and was consumed by the fire, reduced to ashes.

“Now, the time has come to link the fire again, but Ustrad now refuses to do his duty to his kingdom. Herad, resurrected as unkindled, returns to unite three mighty warriors to venture into the Willow King’s domain, and do what needs to be done…”

As a story book there probably won’t be any dodgy sidetracking through poison swamps or stabby catacombs, but all in all it sounds like it features all of the things that made Dark Souls so impactful, action, stakes and mystery.

Dark Souls: The Willow King is available for preorder right now, and will officially release to the masses on 27 August, I’ve already preordered my copy.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco

Topics: Dark Souls, Fromsoftware, Elden Ring