It’s rare, but every now and then, an IP is created that’s actually better than its television and movie counterparts. Take the Batman: Arkham Collection as a prime example of this – it embodies Batman and its characters in such a way that often surpasses other adaptations, as multiple fans have agreed.
I’m not a massive DC Comics fan, nor a Marvel fan either, I’ll watch the films occasionally, but it’s not like I can just spew lore back to you. However, I enjoyed the Batman: Arkham games a lot. There’s just such depth and personality to the games, especially from the likes of the Joker, Batman himself, and Scarecrow; they offered moments that truly felt unnerving. I’m not alone in that sentiment, one fan also commented saying, “I definitely prefer the Scarecrow from the Arkham games than most of his other versions.”
Go back in time with Bats with the Batman: Arkham Trilogy trailer
But it isn’t just singular characters that help solidify the Arkham Collection as the best version of this particular DC franchise, it’s the entire package. “The voice acting (RIP Kevin Conroy), the outfit variants, the re-imagining of villains yet paying homage to the originals…. They all were really great games. Not a lot of trilogy video game franchises hold up like these three imo,” said B0bbyTsunami, perfectly summarising what a lot of us feel.
Even now, with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 coming to a PlayStation near you very soon, hasn’t quite captured what the Arkham games managed to; they really did offer something different to the other renditions that had gone before. Not just aesthetically, but in the way every character felt so well-rounded and polished. I know Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy got a lot of love, hence them coming back to the cinema for Batman Day, but the Arkham games are still better.
Nobody expected the first game to slap quite as hard as it did, and then when that energy kept up in the next instalments, fans found themselves truly blessed with a franchise that had few flaws. “The Arkham series is so good! And I completely agree, the representation of all the characters is phenomenal! I still remember my very first playthrough of Asylum and not expecting the absolute masterpiece that it was. Then the anticipation for City’s release,” said BonnieBust.
If a Batman game can ever peak my interest like the Arkham Collection did, maybe me and fellow fans would struggle to agree on this. But seeing as I doubt that day will come any time soon, it’s safe to say that those three games are the best portrayal of Batman characters period. No questions. No disagreements.
Topics: Batman, Warner Bros, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox, PlayStation