This week, God Of War launched its PC port, and it's an undeniable runaway success on Steam. With great power comes great responsibility, however, and players have shirked their duty by creating these monstrous mods for Kratos. Valhalla have mercy on us all.
Creative director Cory Barlog and senior manager of technical production Matt DeWald told Game Informer that the taking the game to potential audiences outside of the PlayStation ecosystem was always the aim. "We’ve sold almost 20 million, like 19.5 million copies on console, but it’s surprising to hear that there are still people out there that have never played it. And if they haven’t played it on console by now, they’re probably not going to play it on console," explained DeWald. Indeed, sourcing a PlayStation 5 is still a Herculean task given the supply issues that Sony and other technology companies have faced over the course of the pandemic.
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Of course, PC players are wily ones and have the option to mod their games to their likings. If you scroll through God of War's entry on Nexus Mods, you'll find reshades and new game plus save files for you to savour. Yet, Barlog and DeWald knew that it was only a matter of time before we see Baldur replaced with Barney the Dinosaur. "We didn’t add modding support. It’s not something we developed time to create tools. Everything we have is custom, so it’s really hard to build some of that stuff. But I’m sure some very smart people out there are going to do some very cool things, and we’ll see what comes of it," said DeWald.
One such "very smart person" is YouTuber Vortex Games who has delved into the nuts and bolts of God of War and brought our nightmares to life through the majesty of mods. Bobble head Kratos is humorous as his enormous noggin jolts from side to side. It does make him an utterly unmissable target for Odin's ravens to spy upon though, so it's not too practical.
Next is Cyclops Kratos which is a twist in the tale that I didn't see coming. No pun intended. Atreus must be absolutely terrified though as his father leans in to tell him that they are not men, but more than that. He definitely got his mother's looks. Easily my favourite is Googly Eyes Kratos though I would improve upon the execution by putting those gnashers back into his jaw. I'm not here to body-shame but he is in dire need of an industrial pressure washers plus a lifetime's supply of Colgate. I won't spoil the rest of the Kratoses for your entertainment, but what I will say is that this is but the tip of the iceberg for God of War mods.
Featured Image Credit: Vortex Games via YouTube, SonyTopics: God Of War, PC, Sony