If you’re one of the people who were disappointed in Payday 3’s lack of content, the next free update might tempt you back.
When it launched, Payday 3 was riddled with all sorts of problems. Plenty of bugs, lacklustre content, and an always-online requirement turned off a lot of players from the game, especially those coming straight from Payday 2.
Since launch, Starbreeze has done its best with a limited budget to turn the game around. Some of the biggest criticisms have been addressed, and the game is looking like it’s become the product it should have been at release.
Now, a massive free update coming to Payday 3 later this month is hoping to bring back players and get those player counts soaring again.
Not played Payday 3? Check out some gameplay.
On 10th December, Payday 3 will add the First World Bank heist. For those unaware, First World Bank was the very first heist to be designed for the original game way back in 2011.
The level involves your bank crew entering a bank, either by sneaking or shooting your way in, and accessing a big vault full of cash at the very back of the building. Then, you must escape by taking a back passage and throwing the money bags into the back of a garbage truck.
Historically, First World Bank has been an incredibly popular map due to its simplicity and excellent design. It was remastered for Payday 2 in 2015, where it also saw a similar level of popularity.
Now, the map is appearing for a third time in the next Payday 3 update. It’ll arrive for free along with some other content Starbreeze has teased.
Check out a trailer here.
Starbreeze has teased this version of the map will come with some changes to suit Payday 3's playstyle. For example, the balconies on the upper floor are now connected, and the map will also presumably suit mask-off stealth.
If you haven’t touched Payday 3 since it first launched, enough has changed in the game that it might be worth another go.
In the last year, Starbreeze has changed XP gain so it’s easier to level up. A server browser and offline mode have also been added, along with new free and paid content to pad out the game’s heists and weapons.
First World Bank arrives in Payday 3 on 10th December, 2024.
Topics: Steam, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox