Criterion Games’ upcoming new Need For Speed entry is certainly being kept on the downlow. Outside of unconfirmed footage which recently leaked, we know very little else about the latest instalment in the franchise, which was set to be released this year.
There are theories aplenty. Some say the game is near completion, whilst others say it's been delayed as Criterion switches over to new-gen only. The truth is, we don’t know - but fans have been taking matters into their own hands. We recently showcased a stunning Need For Speed Underground 2 fan-made remake, and now another series entry has received the Unreal Engine treatment.
To see what Unreal Engine 5 is capable of, take a look at The Matrix Awakens An Unreal Engine 5 Experience below.
YouTuber Dávid Kerekes has remade Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit using Unreal Engine 5 and boy, does it look good. Dávid appears to have recreated the Hometown and Atlantica levels along with basic driving mechanics. Even after such a short preview, I already need the full game.
Dávid imported the textures and 3D models used in Need For Speed III to be as faithful as possible to the original game, but he worked on improving the game’s lighting system, ambient occlusion, shadows, reflections, and sun ray tracing.
Interestingly, Dávid referred to Hometown and Atlantica as the two “current working levels,” which suggests he may be working on more that aren't playable yet. As it’s simply a fan project, the remake isn’t available for download - but it looks like fans certainly would like that.
YouTube viewer QF Dan wrote, “It’s so beautiful. The nostalgia is kicking in again,” while Tony Hybo declared, “This is actually sick. Even got a fitting tune to set the mood.” Capturing everyone’s thoughts, user Le Roux Vermeulen wrote: “Perfect way to inject some life back into these classic games. Keeping that original retro aesthetic by design, but making it look modern with that lighting. Perfection.” Perfection indeed.
Topics: Need For Speed, EA, Unreal Engine