As its release draws near, anticipation for the next entry in the ever-popular Call of Duty franchise intensifies.
Ok, perhaps that opening sentence was a little dramatic, especially as an annual release of a Call of Duty game is about as routine as rolling out of bed on a Monday morning, shuffling into the bathroom to perform your best backend Donald the Duck impersonation.
Check out the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III trailer below.
It will come as no surprise that this year we’ll be getting another Call of Duty, and this time it will be Modern Warfare III, the re-imagining of the 2011 classic. However, despite fans being excited about this release, it’s not without some concerns.
In particular, the fact that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III initially started out as an expansion to MWII (2022), but morphed into its own standalone game. What’s more, fans are concerned that despite its reported origins, MWIII will command a full RRP. That being said, if there is one major selling point of Modern Warfare III, it’s that most of the DLC and progression data from MWII (2022) multiplayer will carry over into MWIII, which is a first for the series. It’s also been reported that this year's game will see the return of the Zombies mode.
What’s more, depending on your perspective, we have some further good news. Apparently, according to the Call of Duty fan account on Twitter CharlieIntel, all the multiplayer maps from Modern Warfare 2 (2009) will be remastered for Modern Warfare III. While we must take speculation with a pinch of salt, CharlieIntel is considered to be a reliable source of information. So Favela fans, get the shotguns and riot shields at the ready because it’s time to cause some mayhem!
If reports are true of the remastered maps, it means that Modern Warfare III will include the following maps from MWII, and presumably, ones that featured in the original MW3:
- Afghan
- Derail
- Estate
- Favela
- Highrise
- Invasion
- Karachi
- Quarry
- Rundown
- Rust
- Scrapyard
- Skidrow
- Sub Base
- Terminal
- Underpass
- Wasteland
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will be released for PC, PlayStation and Xbox on 10 November 2023.
Topics: Call Of Duty, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Activision