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Mass Effect's Tali hailed as best love interest in gaming

Mass Effect's Tali hailed as best love interest in gaming

All hail Tali, the best lover anyone could ask for!

Gamers love to make sweeping statements, with the latest one being that Mass Effect’s Tali is the best love interest. Not just in the series, but of all time.

As a ME fan, I have a lot of thoughts on this. But before I geek out over ME and my beloved Garrus, let’s hear what other fans have to say.

Guess the ME character names with us as walk down memory lane.

Posted 19 hours ago, the original post has since been removed by mods. However, the discussion is still going after darrylthedudeWayne said “Tali is the best love interest, not just of Mass Effect, but of all gaming. No one can change my mind on that. No one.” Quite the bold opener for any thread on Reddit, you’ll agree.

Gamers swiftly flooded the post to offer their opinion on the matter, with a lot of fans quick to agree that their “sweet immuno-compromised alien gf” is second to no one. While a lot of players upheld the original poster’s view, others threw their favourite love interests in the ring. Unsurprising to absolutely no one, Garrus was mentioned.

As one wise fan said, “Weird way to spell Garrus.” Love for Garrus is well known, with some fans going so far as to restart the game to play as femshep once they learnt Garrus was a romance option. Being someone who's played all the ME games more times than I care to admit, I've been in that very position.

At the time of writing this, the thread has 400 plus comments and is still going strong, with most people discussing ME love interests as opposed to any others. That being said, a few other characters popped up who are worthy of a mention, like Panam from Cyberpunk 2077, and Karlach from Baldur’s Gate 3.

What most upset me about this discussion, however, was that no one mentioned Fenris from Dragon Age II. Arguably, he's the greatest love interest of all time, filled with angst, tenderness, and vengeance. If it came down to him or Garrus, I wouldn’t be able to choose.

My personal preferences aside, it would seem that Tali really is the best love interest for the majority of gamers.

Just wait until Starfield comes out on 6 September for all Xbox players and the results could change once again.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Mass Effect, Ubisoft, Xbox, PlayStation, PC

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