We know very little about the upcoming Mass Effect 5 from BioWare, which is why all we can do right now is speculate and fans have been discussing an intriguing mystery character.
Mass Effect 5 (assuming that will be its official name) was announced at The Game Awards in 2020 and teased the return of the N7 crew in a cinematic trailer that featured fan-favourite character, Liara T'Soni. Unfortunately, we have no idea when the game will arrive and fans believe that the next Mass Effect could be a next-gen title.
Check out the Mass Effect 5 teaser trailer below!
Since 2020, BioWare has coughed up very few details regarding the upcoming Mass Effect sequel and at least officially, the most recent tidbit of information we’ve received is an image of a mysterious character revealed on N7 Day in 2023, which just so happens to be the topic of today’s discussion.
“Who do you think this is?” asked Redditor Aware_Excitement4631, kicking off the discussion on the thread. In truth, we have no idea who this character is but that didn't stop fans from gossiping.
“Conrad Verner,” jokes UselessGenericon. Conrad Verner is an NPC that you encounter in the Citadel during the first Mass Effect who has delusions of what it is to be a Spectre and believes that he could be humanity's saviour. Let’s just say that depending on your interaction with him, it may not end well for Conrad.
“I doubt even BioWare knows who it is and may have been hoping fans would give ideas,” said psychotobe in jest (maybe).
“I wouldn't be surprised,” GalacticDaddy005 replied, speculating to psychotobe. “I've heard the reason BioWare released Mass Effect Legendary Edition was to quantify the most popular choices people made throughout the trilogy to determine which ending will be canon.”
Much of the Reddit thread responds with sarcastic humour, and I can’t blame them. Mass Effect 5 will be a massive deal and if we take the lack of news from BioWare or EA seriously, we may all end up like Mordin.
Topics: Mass Effect, EA, Bioware, PC, PlayStation, Xbox