Mass Effect 5, oh where art thou? Not set to release anytime soon apparently and fans are starting to feel seriously frustrated.
At the time of writing this, it has been seven years since the last Mass Effect entry, Mass Effect Andromeda, was released.
Check out the trailer for the most recent Mass Effect instalment, Andromeda, below!
As the fourth major instalment in the BioWare sci-fi RPG, Andromeda was a step away from the original Mass Effect trilogy and left fans feeling pretty mixed.
However, that has not stopped them from wanting more and with no sign of Mass Effect 5, tensions are starting to run high.
So will there even be a Mass Effect 5?
According to BioWare, yes there will.
The studio announced the project officially back in 2020 during The Game Awards but rumours of the next instalment were swirling even long before that.
The announcement came with a small teaser trailer which revealed that the Normandy crew may in fact return after a fragment of their ship was discovered by Liara T’Soni.
However, things have been pretty quiet since then and a discussion over on r/masseffect from two years ago revealed how some eager fans are feeling.
“Is it me or is the next Mass Effect taking forever?” One post asked.
“The game was announced in development unofficially what? Five years ago now? Then the official announcement two or three years ago.
Just wish they'd throw us a little more info... hopefully something this summer? Or have to just hope for N7 day again.”
However, tensions were mostly put aside by some helpful comparisons.
“Skyrim was released 12 years ago. Grand Theft Auto V ten years ago, Dragon Age: Inquisition was released nine years ago. In contrast, Mass Effect Andromeda is a mere six years old,” the top comment read.
Another said: “The fourth Dragon Age game has been in development hell for nearly 10 years now and isn't set to release until 2024.
Bioware won't be releasing Mass Effect until after that.”
It remains to be seen but with such a dedicated fanbase behind it, a little news would go a long way for Mass Effect 5.
Topics: Mass Effect, Bioware