Despite the perception that some outsiders may have in the belief that comic books tell nothing but joyful stories presented in eye-catching colours, readers will know otherwise especially when it comes to Marvel and Spider-Man.
Whether it’s in the Marvel Cinematic Universe such as some of the tragic events that transpired in Avengers: Infinity War or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, the Marvel writers certainly know how to pull on our heartstrings.
Check out the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 trailer below!
One comic book series that comes to mind that is certainly also a tear-jerker is the 2011 Ultimate Spider-Man series, in particular, its final chapter ‘Death of Spider-Man’. This was truly a shocking conclusion. On the plus side, this series also introduced Miles Morales to continue Peter Parker’s legacy of being the friendly neighbourhood hero.
As reported by Comicbook.com, prepare to have your Spidey tears jerked once more. Be aware that we will be going into spoiler territory for the story of recent Marvel comic book series, Avengers: Twilight. So with that spoiler warning out of the way, let’s proceed.
“In a gleaming new world of prosperity, Captain America is no more. But Steve Rogers still exists, floating through an America where freedom is an illusion, where The Avengers are strangers and his friends are long dead. But is it a Dream?” reads the synopsis of the first issue. “How do you assemble Avengers in a world that doesn’t want them?”
As Comicbook.com explains, the story of Avengers: Twilight is very 9/11-inspired, so we already know that it’s not for the weak of heart. Instigated by the heartless and cold Ultron, the true identities of superheroes were exposed to villains across the world. Sadly, Peter Parker is one of the first and fatal targets.
Captain America and the team were alerted to the coordinated attack on Peter Parker, but despite their best efforts, they arrived at the scene too late to save the lovable neighbourhood hero. Lay motionless on a pile of rubble, Parker tells Steve Rogers that he saved Aunt May’s life and pleads with Rogers to keep his auntie safe from harm.
Up to this point in this story, both Peter Parker and Steve Rogers never met outside of their superhero alias and as Parker is about to reveal his real name to Captain America, he takes his last breath and tragically dies. Both Spider-Man and Captain America knew each other's real names (well, at least Rogers did), but this particular personal moment was taken away by Ultron leaving readers reaching for the box of tissues once more (oi, not for that reason!).
Marvel’s Avengers: Twilight series is available now both digitally and in physical form.
Topics: Marvel, Marvels Spider Man, Spider Man, Comics