Last year, we thoroughly enjoyed the excellent first season of Loki, based on one of our favourite Marvel villains, and we’ve been eagerly awaiting the second season ever since.
While the subsequent season has been revealed, very little is known about it. Head writer and executive producer Michael Waldron will be returning, now that his most recent project Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is out in cinemas. In an interview with Digital Spy this week (3 May) Waldron gave us a few cheeky details about what we can expect from the new series.
You can check out the trailer for the first series of Loki in the video below.
The first big news is that Eric Martin is taking over as head writer, meaning that Waldron will be stepping down. Two new directors have also been hired: Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead who directed several episodes of Marvel’s latest hit series Moon Knight.
Since working on the Doctor Strange sequel, Waldron did have some concerns. The new film adds a lot more twist to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and when you are working with an extended, interweaving, time-travelling multiverse it can be hard to keep track.
"We worked pretty hard on Loki to make it as airtight as possible. But there were times when I was like, 'Oh, s**t, I wish I hadn't defined that so clearly. I don't know why I had to be so specific in my time-travel television show about the rules of the multiverse.”
Going forward, Waldron won’t be tying things down so tightly. He said he was “lucky” that the team for Doctor Strange 2 were so understanding about points he’d made concrete in the series. "You have to all have a shared language of all this stuff, otherwise it can get pretty confusing."
As for the plot of the new series, Waldron was fairly tight lipped but he did give a few hints. "Well, I mean, look, everything leads into everything, right? - As Tom [Hiddleston] once said, there's plenty more mischief to come."
Topics: Marvel, Disney, TV And Film