Few things are as demoralising as a workout gone wrong. I, for example, once went out for a run on a particularly windy day and was hit square on the head by an errant wheelie bin that had been swept up into the air.
That was embarrassing. And painful. But looking at internet superstar Logan Paul's latest workout mishap, I suddenly feel much better about my own refuse-based accident.
Before we move on, take a quick peek at some of the best livestream wins and fails below!
The YouTube sensation/Pokémon card collector/WWE star was recently filmed writhing on the floor in pain after a workout video gone wrong ended with a Pitbull chomping him right in the family jewels.
In a video posted to Instagram, the social media mogul can be seen gently wrestling with the hound before it decides to take a shot below the belt and bite him in the nads. Ouch.
The original idea behind the video was to show viewers how they can get their dog involved in their workouts, turning playtime into actual exercise. Obviously, the spud-mashing at the end was not part of the plan - but God bless Paul for deciding to upload it anyway.
The caption to the video jokingly states: “there goes my reproducers”, a reference to the fact the dog could well have run off with Paul's ability to make a baby. We're assuming it wasn't as serious as all that, of course, or he'd never have uploaded the clip in the first place!
We'll be sure to update you as soon as we get more information on the current state of Logan Paul's testicles. There's a sentence I hope never to write again as long as I live.