As well as its cinematic universe, Marvel has been making huge footprints in the gaming world of late. It's always had killer games (Spiderman 1 and 2 on the PS1 remain two of my ultimate comfort games), but their recent titles have been fantastic. From 2018's Spiderman, to Marvel's Avengers, to the critically adored Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel's been having a good run in the video game world.
It looks like this run will continue, after new rumours of a stand alone title for the godfather of the MCU himself; Iron Man.
Check out some gameplay for last year's Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, whose killer soundtrack is influenced by the movies.
Iron Man is a fan favourite, especially since Robert Downey Jr took the role of wisecracking Tony Stark way back in 2008. We're surprised it's taken this long for a full console game to come into fruition (we're excluding the movie-license tie-ins and last year's VR), but it looks like we're finally in luck.
The only confirmed single player titles from EA are the upcoming Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and the Dead Space remake. This looks like it's about to change, with this rumour coming alongside the reports of a Black Panther game.
Games industry analyst Tom Henderson tweeted about the rumours, along with a video of Jeff Grubb talking about upcoming releases on his podcast.
He says: "I've heard a few rumors that it's Iron Man but I never had anything concrete to fully report on." So while we shouldn't get too excited, it's worth noting that Henderson has shown that he knows his stuff in the past. Until then, we'll continue flying round as Stark in last year's Iron Man VR until a more fleshed out release comes into fruition. Maybe a certain Black Sabbath track might scratch the itch, too.
Topics: Marvel, Marvels Avengers