It still doesn’t feel real. Akira Toriyama’s death has had a profound effect on people across all walks of life, and across various forms of entertainment. The celebrated Manga creator passed away at the age of 68 earlier this month and gamers have been coming together and paying their respects across several games.
Akira Toriyama wasn’t just known for his creation and work on Dragon Ball, but also the Dragon Quest series, the classic Chrono Trigger, and more. Because of his links to gaming, many players have been celebrating his life.
Dragon Ball has been there for many of us over the years, in various forms
Once news of Toriyama’s death began to spread across social media fans began arranging meet-ups in games such as Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Quest 10, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and probably every other social game based on the legend’s work.
In server across Final Fantasy XIV players gathered in public spaces to hold a candlelight vigil while the chat box was filled with warm comments honouring the Manga creator. Many fans had altered their costumes to represent characters from the Dragon Ball series and discussed the impact Toriyama had on their lives.
Dragon Quest 10, an MMO only released in Japan, also saw celebrations of life. Dragon Quest benefitted greatly from Toriyama’s work as he was vital in creating the style and look of many characters and iconic enemies, such as the slime which holds the creator’s charm.
Despite the servers not being filled to capacity, so long after launch, some fans of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 came together around Shenron’s pedestal to emote in the spirit bomb pose as a sign of honour.
It’s understandable that so many have felt the need to show some form of respect or appreciation for Akira Toriyama, his work has impacted many lives whether that’s through games, or watching Dragon Ball Z as a kid. His impact will last for generations and will continue to be felt through the things we love.
Topics: Dragon Quest, TV And Film, Final Fantasy