Anime has been popular ever since its inception, but admiration for the animation style has only grown over recent years. Video games have often utilised these visuals incredibly well, whether it’s by adapting a popular anime on TV, or simply using that eye-popping technique to bring a sense of kawaii appeal.
Often these games are gorgeous to look at and, while they regularly accompany the RPG genre, other genres are embracing the look to add some cartoon flair. This is seen more and more nowadays as Eastern style is embraced the world over, so we’re compiling a list of amazing games you can play right now, that make you feel like you’ve stepped into the next hit anime.
Dragon Ball FighterZ

Starting out with one of the most popular anime shows of all time, Dragon Ball FighterZ is a fighting game that bursts from the screen with every move and ability. With the instantly recognisable style of Akira Toriyama, fans of the show and even those with a passing interest will find someone to play as. If you’ve ever seen an episode of Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super, you’ll know that each battle features over-the-top special attacks and larger than life characters, all of which are perfectly encapsulated in this enjoyable brawler.
Genshin Impact

With Genshin Impact, the industry saw a huge boom in RPG games with Gacha mechanics begin to make the jump from mobile to console and PC. It was the gate opening that brought with it plenty of waifus, husbandos, and, incredibly cute characters. With a mix of tactical and real-time gameplay, plus a huge amount of depth in upgrading the cast, players got a very engaging RPG for free. Of course, the Gacha mechanics which can cost money might hold you back, but you can easily play Genshin Impact without spending a penny and still have a blast.
Okami HD

Okami HD is one of the most beautiful games you’ll ever see. A stunning masterclass in using cel-shaded graphics, creating a wonderful painterly world that feels great to explore. Inspired by Japanese art, as well as mythology, players fell in love with this game upon release and it has always been held in high regard since. With utterly charming gameplay, you will chase darkness from the lands via platforming and puzzles, building a game that will stay with you forever.
Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest easily rivals Final Fantasy for brilliant stories and wonderful characters. It’s always been the more underrated series despite delivering some incredible high points over the many years. Dragon Quest XI felt like everything stepped up yet again. It’s bold, colourful, full of drama, and features a tremendous world to explore. It’s a proper traditional RPG, with great heroes and some heartbreaking moments that may have you sobbing.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

With this RPG, you really do feel like you’re playing through an unmade anime, perhaps more so than the others on this list. Created in part by Studio Ghibli, the art style is instantly recognisable, as are the usual tropes you’d expect from the animation greats - plenty of wit, charms, and surreal personality. While the core battling mechanics might not be on par with other RPGs, there’s no denying how good it feels to be interacting with a world created in the same vein as some of the best-animated films ever created.
Hi-Fi Rush

A unique entry on the list is Hi-Fi Rush, not an RPG at all, but actually a rhythm-based action game that sees you strike enemies and perform actions along to a beat. As soon as Hi-Fi Rush dropped everyone who played it instantly loved it. With a banging soundtrack, as you’d expect, it matched the sumptuous visuals that featured comic book stylings. While there’s a slightly more westernised look to the characters, there’s no denying that this can stand toe-to-toe with the RPGs on this list.
Tales of Arise

Another underrated RPG franchise that has often been overshadowed by the likes of Final Fantasy, the Tales of series rarely misses. This latest iteration gives players dual protagonists, both from unique backgrounds that give a fractious quality to their relationship. All set in a world of oppression, the story is one that will grip you from its opening moments and drag you through a tumultuous series of events filled with energetic battles bursting with eye-popping effects.
One Piece Odyssey

Another of the most popular anime in the world made waves recently with a proper RPG set in the universe, though they did it with a bit of a twist. Rather than tread the same steps as the anime, players would jump between beloved characters and complete missions within certain story arcs. It gave a bit of history for the show (and the manga) while staying fresh for those familiar with the source material. One Piece Odyssey is a great way to experience the life of a pirate.
Pokemon Sword and Shield

We can’t have a list like this without a Pokémon title. While the franchise, for many, hasn’t hit the heady heights of the older games, the Pokémon formula is still undeniable. Sword and Shield are a great way to experience the wonder of Pokémon. Featuring a great selection of creatures to catch and a more traditional way to explore the world and defeat gym leaders. Performing much better on the Switch than the more recent Scarlet and Violet, this is a great entry point for new players and a wonderful continuation of the franchise for those who have played for decades.
Persona 5 Royal

There are some who would consider Persona 5 Royal to be the best JRPG of all time. Some would even say that forgetting the divide between East and West, it’s simply one of the finest RPGs ever. Combining everything from delightful social interactions set within high school life, brilliant and tactical turn-based battles, as well as handling sensitive themes with a very smart and light touch. Of course, it also looks stunning. Every single moment looks as if it was pulled from a top-flight anime and it’s accompanied by some of the best voice-acting you’ll hear.
Topics: Anime, Pokemon, Nintendo, Genshin Impact, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Persona