Some Hogwarts Legacy players have found secret rooms, hidden behind fireplaces found within the castle.
Hogwarts Legacy is as popular as ever, with fans across all platforms, except Nintendo Switch who are still waiting for their version, exploring every inch of Hogwarts and its surrounding areas for secrets and hidden details.
Take a walk through the halls of Hogwarts in the below video.
While most players are content with just beating the main story, and others focused on modding the game to include more things to do, certain dedicated players have devoted hours of their time to see everything the game has to offer. During exploration, some players have discovered hidden rooms that can be accessed through fireplaces, and it's blowing some player’s minds.
Reddit user IneedmoreKellBell started a thread saying: “How many of the fireplaces with hidden rooms behind them have you found? I’ve only found two. I thought they were really cool and hoped there would be more.” While some players confirmed there are only two secret fireplace rooms in the castle, others were surprised to learn they existed in the first place, saying they haven't come across any during their playthroughs.
“Which rooms did you find secret fireplaces in?” asked one player, while another added, “Wait what? Guess I have to go exploring. Didn't find any.” Someone wrote, “I never heard of such a thing. Gawd, I thought I was almost done with all this hidden stuff.”
While Hogwarts isn’t lacking in secrets and mysteries in the books and films, it’s astonishing that so many have eluded players months after the game's release. If it wasn’t for the dedicated fans scouring each area in the game for 100%, many hidden locations would likely go undiscovered.
With all that in mind, it’s no wonder the title has surpassed over $1 billion in total sales, and is even making more money than the Harry Potter films it’s based on.
Hogwarts Legacy is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4/5, PC and will launch on Nintendo Switch later this year.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Xbox, PlayStation, PC