Hogwarts Legacy may have been out in the world for way over a year now but that hasn’t stopped avid players from recently discovering quite a disturbing secret.
Released in February 2023, Hogwarts Legacy was every Harry Potter fan’s dream come true as the open-world RPG took players to Hogwarts and surrounding areas.
Check out the summer update for Hogwarts Legacy below!
Allowing them to play out the life of a Hogwarts student, whether that was attending classes or heading to Hogsmeade for a Butter Beer, the RPG by Avalanche Software captured the hearts of die-hard fans and beyond.
With Hogwarts Legacy’s summer update dropping back in June, many players have returned and that means that there are a whole lot of secrets being discovered once again.
That is what happened with one user over on r/hogwartslegacyJKR who drew attention to a certain dialogue option.
When asked a question, the main character is able to choose between three responses with one simply stating “Horcruxes”.
If you are a fan of the Harry Potter series, then you will know that Horcruxes are objects or even people that are capable of housing part of a person’s soul as a way for them to achieve immortality.
However, as this is a very dark and forbidden practice, it is not usually taught on the school’s curriculum which had this Reddit user quite confused.
“Wait what? Aren't Horcruxes extremely dark hidden and forbidden knowledge?” They asked.
“How would our character even know that word?”
However, an answer was soon provided courtesy of a fellow fan.
“Dumbledore had all books about Horcruxes removed from the library only after the first Wizarding War,” they explained.
“Before that, every student with access to the restricted section could read about them, which is exactly what Voldemort did.”
Considering the events of Hogwarts Legacy take place over one hundred years before the Harry Potter series, it is easy to forget that this information would have been readily available at this time.
Yet another mystery solved!
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros