The Hogwarts Legacy Chamber of Secrets mystery deepens after a player seemingly discovers a Basilisk slithering through the Slytherin common room. Yay!
The halls of Hogwarts are full of secrets, many of which are likely still waiting to be discovered. However, perhaps the biggest mystery of all so far is the alluring Chamber of Secrets.
Sadly, unlike the Room of Requirement, the iconic Chamber of Secrets is currently inaccessible. In fact, it’s technically not in the game, though its entrance is there. That being said, fans are still hoping that the Chamber may be unlocked at a later date via an update or even DLC.
Yet, despite not being able to explore or even enter the Chamber of Secrets, a player believes that they may have seen the Basilisk aka the King of Serpents. In case you didn't know, the Basilisk is a giant and powerful snake that lives in the Chamber of Secrets.
However, the Basilisk is a rare and deadly creature, and attempting to breed the serpent falls under the Ban on Experimental Breeding. It's fair to say that this is a forbidden creature, and for a very good reason.
What’s more, the Basilisk was placed by Salazar Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets. So its apparent appearance in the Slytherin Common Room isn't outside the realms of possibility. However, while we can’t see the head of the Basilisk in the clip shared below, it certainly looks like it could be the all-powerful King of the Serpents.
While fans hope to see the Chamber of Secrets be fully explorable in Hogwarts Legacy one day, another feature that fans would appreciate is multiplayer. Unfortunately, multiplayer isn't officially in Hogwarts Legacy. However, that hasn't stopped a talented group of modders from making that happen.
Finally, in related Hogwarts Legacy news, fans have praised the developers for not making all Slytherin a**holes.
Topics: Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros