Despite it being almost a month since Elden Ring came out, people are still very much raving about the latest game in the Soulsborne series.
That's because there is just so much world for us all to discover. Players are still uncovering Easter eggs littered throughout the world that Game Of Thrones writer George R.R. Martin wrote. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki made the latest FromSoftware game more approachable to players, meaning that people have many more options when choosing their character's build.
If you want to turn enemies into pepperoni slices yourself, you can find out how in the video below.
Players were more than a little perturbed today, however, to find that FromSoftware had decided maybe it had given us all a few too many options for combat. In the latest patch, the studio nerfed a number of weapons and playstyles - including the Sword Of Night And Flame weapon, the Mimic Tear summon, and the attack Hoarfrost Stomp.
Those looking for another weapon to fill out their roster can look no further, Ghiza's Wheel is a colossal weapon shaped like a pizza cutter, and oh boy do it be cutting. Rolling along the ground and into enemies, it grabs ahold of them absolutely decimating their health bars. We're not just talking grunts either, the little kitchen utensil that could works on the big boys too.
The only downside with using Ghiza's Wheel to turn the enemies into those little chunks of meat pizza companies like to call beef, is the stats required to wield it. Your tarnished will need 28 strength and 18 dexterity in order to pick the chonker up. However, we can attest that it is definitely worth the ash. As you can see in the video it really does melt through some of the tricky bits.
Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware