Ah, the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series - timeless classics of yesteryear which allowed gamers to fantasise about performing an all-time great song at a packed Wembley Stadium.
Both were also great franchises that, even for a brief few moments, tricked us into thinking we could actually play musical instruments whether it be a guitar or smashing the drums. They were great fun! Though to be fair, especially on the higher difficulty settings, a decent degree of hand-to-eye coordination was required.
Check out the Guitar Hero trailer below!
Sadly, however, it’s been quite a few years since we’ve had a release in either franchise with the last Guitar Hero arriving in 2015 and Rock Band in 2017. Since then, fans have been calling for both series to make triumphant returns.
“I am ready for them to resurrect Guitar Hero/Rock Band,” said Redditor Farley2k, kicking off the discussion on the thread. “It got beaten to death years ago but now I would love to see it come back. It is time.”
“Saturday mornings. Me in my underwear jamming as my girlfriend yells to turn it down," replied ricardo9505, likely speaking on behalf of most Guitar Hero and Rock Band fans. “Every day I wake up and wish Guitar Hero was still a thing,” exclaimed one Reddit user.
ElChocoLoco responded with some good and bad news for fans of Rock Band in particular. “Rock Band 4 is still supported and gets new songs weekly. Good luck finding instruments if you don't already have them though. I've had to repair my guitar a few times now.
The question remains, will either Guitar Hero or Rock Band ever make a return on PC, modern or next-gen consoles? That remains to be seen. I suppose if the community makes enough noise banging those drums, there’s always at least a slight chance.
Topics: PC, Activision, PlayStation, Xbox