Those hyped for Rockstar Games’ upcoming title Grand Theft Auto VI have managed to disappoint themselves again, because for some reason folks over on the r/GTA6 subreddit had managed to convince each other that a brand new trailer for the game was about to materialise out of thin air.
In a post on the subreddit titled “Rockstar moment”, GTA fans are collectively bemoaning the non-existence of a second trailer for the game.
A lot of people seem actively disappointed in Rockstar for not releasing one last night, but why exactly did anyone expect a second trailer in the first place?
Well, that’s because Take-Two Interactive’s quarterly investors meeting took place yesterday… so I guess people just assumed that a board meeting would coincide with a trailer, for some reason.
I suppose I can sort of see the logic. If Rockstar’s quarterly earnings were below expectations, they could have mentioned to their investors that a new trailer was on the way to help placate them.
Take a look at GTA VI in action below.
And previous meetings have coincided with the odd announcement. It's a bit of a stretch, but folks are clearly desperate for any new info at this point.
Rockstar isn’t the type to cave to pressure when it comes to their marketing strategies though, so I’d highly suggest you all just chill out and take a break from all the wild theorisin– oh, nevermind, they’ve already cooked up a brand new coping method.
As one commenter explained, the investors call theory was obviously dumb because a completely different one apparently makes more sense.
“But why were y'all set on a trailer today?” replied windup00, “I thought we were going by the moon phase??”
And lo and behold, a new thread just popped up on the subreddit titled “Time to open a fresh tank of copium”... which details the “moon phase” theory in greater detail.
It’s something to do with the fact that the moon was “waning gibbous” during the first GTA VI trailer and then also doing the same thing in a recent trailer for some GTA Online content, so obviously the second trailer for the game will definitely come out when the moon is also waning gibbous.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, folks. But wait... the night is when the moon is out! OH MY GOD.
Topics: GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, GTA