When Rockstar Games dropped Grand Theft Auto VI’s reveal trailer last December, I must admit, I didn’t think we’d be sitting here in October of the following year without an update.
Certainly, with GTA VI still being a year away from its planned launch, clearly Rockstar Games was never going to peak too soon.
But, fair to say, a couple of screenshots wouldn’t have been remiss to tide us over until we are finally blessed with that gameplay reveal.
As I’m sure you’re aware, GTA VI is set for a fall/autumn release next year, which runs from September to November.
As such, we’re potentially less than a year away from launch, so I’d imagine that Rockstar Games will kick into gear over the coming months.
Take a look at the reveal trailer for GTA VI below.
I have to say though, I’m proud of everybody for their patience.
Yes, a few of us resorted to rotating the trailer for a fresh view, or pointing out the inclusion of parking spaces, but for the most part, it’s been plain sailing.
Of course, ventures like the mapping project help us get by.
If you’re not familiar, the mapping project has been undertaken by a group of fans who are using the game’s trailer as well as previously leaked materials to make a mock-up of the game’s map.
A similar venture was carried out for GTA V and it ended up being pretty accurate.
As for the GTA VI iteration, a new version has just landed courtesy of Reddit user ricksef.
The user was able to create 3D models of the trailer’s various landmarks, using the city’s skyline to get a feeling of distance between them with the mock-up revealing just how spread out Vice City seemingly is.
Scroll though to see the full project below.
“Amazing work man. Would be great to compare it to the actual in-game map when it releases,” responded ZephyrDoesArts.
“Finally I can feel how big the map is, thank you,” added Erusor.
Of course, this must be taken with a pinch of salt until we see an official map, but it’s a fun tidbit of insight.
Topics: GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games