GTA VI isn't even out yet and gamers are already debating its Metacritic score. I’m sure everyone is going to be rational when the scores are out.#
There’s no denying that when the next entry in the popular Rockstar Games series arrives, it’s going to be the talk of the town or at least, is all we’re going to see across social media. No doubt one of the hottest topics related to GTA VI will be its review scores.
Check out the GTA VI trailer below!
Of course, there’ll be no need to worry about what scores GTA VI might generate, after all, no one on the internet has ever had meltdowns about 7s and 8s, right?
“Does GTA VI have a shot at becoming the first Metacritic 100 game?” said a Reddit user setting the potentially high bar. As a reference, its predecessor, GTA V scored an almighty 97.
As the image in the link shows on Reddit, currently the highest-rated game on Metacritic is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 with a sweltering score of 99, making it near-perfect in the eyes of reviewers. To be fair, especially for 1998, Ocarina of Time is a masterpiece.
Logically, for any game to receive a score of 100 on Metacritic, it would have to receive a maximum score from every reviewer that uploads to the aggregate website.
Still, if there’s one game that might stand the best chance of scoring 100 on Metacritic, the odds would be in Grand Theft Auto VI’s favour.
“No. Ocarina of Time (99) and SoulCalibur (98) have the highest Meta scores, but they have less than 25 reviews each. Most modern AAA games have 100-150 reviews,” said 4000kd making a very valid point.
“I'd wager 96-97 is a safe bet. I wanna say 96, below GTA VI and RDR2 only because I'm worried some might score it slightly lower due to the story,” OsamaBeenLagggin replied.
“Highly unlikely,” another user claimed. “It will probably get review-bombed by some gamers who just like to hate on Rockstar.”
“I think with modern gaming it will be impossible. There will always be a publication that gives it a lower score in an attempt to get more clicks,” claims Electrical_Room5091.
At the time of writing, Grand Theft Auto VI is expected to be released at the end of 2025 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Topics: GTA 6, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC