A new proposed feature put forth by Rockstar Games has given fans an idea of just how large GTA 6's map will be, and it sounds like we're in for something very special indeed.
In true Rockstar Games fashion, GTA 6 has remained shrouded in mystery since it was finally, officially announced back in February. Aside from a substantial leak - something that Rockstar obviously didn't intend to happen - we know very little about GTA 6 in an official capacity.
We also know GTA 6 is almost certainly set in Vice City, Rockstar’s fictional take on Miami. While the map itself was one of the few things that didn't leak, fans think they’ve been able to piece together a rough approximation of the game’s open world using the leaked footage, and it’s looking like it'll be pretty massive.
Supporting this theory further, Rockstar recently release a survey to fans that has them convinced it's pointing towards the size of the GTA 6 map.
As shared by Rockstar insider Tez2, GTA Online players have been asked which of the two options they're most interested in: instant fast travel around the map, or free access to classic Rockstar games.
While this fast travel function could well be a GTA Online-specific feature, fans think Rockstar could also be setting the stage for GTA 6's vast open world.
It's worth noting that the survey discussed “ability to fast travel around Los Santos and Blaine County" free of cost", but it could well be that the feature is tested in GTA Online before being implemented in GTA 6.
GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 don't have a traditional fast travel, instead making things a little more grounded (and arguably more of a pain at times). A larger map may well require more convenient, "instant" fast travel.
Topics: GTA 6, Rockstar Games