Have you ever taken a sick day to stay at home and play a new video game upon release?
For me, it was Resident Evil 4, putting on the fakest cough ever so my mum didn’t make me go into school that day. Worth it, I’d say.
I mean, you can’t blame some people for doing it. Going into work only to look at spreadsheets all day, knowing that a shiny new game has arrived in the post at home is a killer feeling.
Still, that’s what these GTA VI fans are hoping to do when the game eventually releases. With how hyped up the game is getting, it’s pretty obvious there will be a suspicious sick wave around that week.
Are you excited for Grand Theft Auto VI? Well, we certainly are!
A Reddit user over on the GTA VI subreddit posted a meme referring to how they were planning on taking a sick day when it launches.
“Sick day? Bruh I'm going to be sick for a whole week,” wrote one user in response.
“I’m definitely creating a three day weekend for myself,” wrote another. “That night of release is gonna feel like Christmas morning as a kid.”
One user even went to the extremes: “I might be the only one planning on quitting my job around the time the game comes out.”
Even for those who own their own businesses, the GTA VI virus can’t stop them.
One user wrote: “I'm self-employed so I can't. The vans might be broken that day though.”
Well, we’re not one to judge.
Just remember the unfair rule of the universe: if you fake being sick you will definitely be struck with some kind of horrible illness about two weeks later.
So, just remember you might be tempting fate by pulling a sickie for the GTA VI release. Might we recommend using up some holiday time instead?
Either way, bear in mind that once you have bought the game, it will still be there for you once you’ve finished your day at work. We wouldn’t recommend neglecting your responsibilities for it.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Take-Two