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GTA 6 '12th Hour' fan trailer absolutely blows audiences away

GTA 6 '12th Hour' fan trailer absolutely blows audiences away

"The best thing I've ever seen"

GTA 6 is going to be worth the wait. You know it. I know it. The only issue is that the wait is definitely starting to take its toll on fans.

Rockstar Games first announced that GTA VI was in active development back in February 2022, but since then the studio has kept things very much under wraps. The only acknowledgement we've had from Rockstar that the game exists since then was in its response to infamous gameplay leaks of an early build of the game from last summer.

Since Rockstar has yet to show us anything, fans have been working to imagine what GTA VI might look like. Certainly, the game's reveal trailer stands to be one of the biggest moments of all time, simply because of how long we've waited to see it.

YouTube channel 12th Hour has spent a fair bit of time working on bringing a fan-made GTA VI reveal to life, and the result is a trailer that I think we all truly wish could be the real deal. I should absolutely stress, however, that it is not.

The trailer itself, which you can watch here, already has an impressive 3.1 million views. If that's what a fan trailer can do, just imagine how hard the real thing will go.

12th Hour builds on the rumours and leaks to create a two-minute rollercoaster of action featuring all the big Grand Theft Auto lynchpins. There are explosions, robberies, car chases, and plenty of cops.

Naturally, the comments in the YouTube thread were full of praise. “OK NO JOKE THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN” wrote one excited fan who loves a capital letter.

“This was freaking amazing. If the animations were replicated to GTA V animations I’d think that was the actual trailer,” another added.

We have no idea when the actual GTA VI reveal will drop, but we're more than happy to watch this effort on a loop till then.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 6, Rockstar Games