There’s no doubt that the voice actors who worked on the two most recent God of War games are some seriously talented people. I mean, there’s a reason why they had two nominations in The Game Awards’ Best Performance category last year (and took home the prize at the end of the day).
Needless to say, it’s very likely that the cast will continue to go on and voice even more exciting roles in the future, and one of the actors has an incredible goal in mind.
Take a look at this adorable canine motion capture actor working behind-the-scenes on God of War Ragnarök below.
During the God of War panel hosted by Eurogamer at MCM London Comic Con on Sunday (28 May), Danielle Bisutti, Ryan Hurst, Alastair Duncan and Sunny Suljic (who voiced and provided motion capture for Freya, Thor and Mimir and Atreus) were all asked what other video game characters they’d most like to voice if they were given the chance, and Suljic had a particularly intriguing answer.
“Probably like not right now, but maybe sometime in the future, I dunno, Batman or something,” Suljic said. “Just throwing it out there, man.”
Batman and Atreus are certainly pretty different characters, but honestly, I’d still want to see it happen. Admittedly, the actor is probably right about it being a role that we might have to wait some time for - Suljic is still just 17 years old himself, which is much younger than Batman has ever been portrayed. However, it’d be seriously cool if this actually ended up happening later down the line when he’s grown into his cape a bit.
Suljic’s not the only one who’s interested in potentially voicing a DC character in the future - when asked the same question, Bisutti responded: “Wonder Woman. Period.” Can we just have a DC game with these two in it, please?
Topics: God Of War, Batman, DC, Santa Monica Studio, Sony, Warner Bros