Assassin’s Creed is an iconic franchise. The earlier titles in particular are nostalgic gems - it’s rare to come across anyone who’s not played them before, but it’s still just as magical of an experience to play them today as it was in the late 2000s, as one new fan on Reddit has discovered.
Reddit user Ultimate_Ricky has been singing the praises of Assassin’s Creed II, which they recently decided to play as their very first Assassin’s Creed title. You’d think that a 2009 game would have begun to show some signs of age by now, but no - in fact, they said that they’re “blown away” by the fact it came out so long ago and is still so good.
The next game in the Assassin’s Creed series, Mirage, is set to release this year - take a look at the trailer below.
“I got a PS5 for my birthday and PS Plus and downloaded the Ezio Trilogy. [I’ve] got to say I loved it. I'm blown away how this was a game for the PS3 in 2009,” Ultimate_Ricky wrote. “The maps felt big, but it wasn't over-stimulating. It felt linear, while also having the freedom to explore the map. I got immersed in the world and the story it was trying to to tell. None of these characters were bad to me. They each had their own charm. The mix and blend between modern day and Renaissance Italy was amazing to me. It genuinely appealed to my type of interest in fiction.”
They enjoyed it so much that they even went for the Platinum trophy, which speaks for itself. Others have been welcoming them into the fanbase (and also expressing a bit of jealously that they were able to experience such an iconic game for the first time in 2023).
“So glad you’ve gotten into the franchise! This post made me very happy. Always great to see someone play Assassin’s Creed for the first time and absolutely fall in love! You’re going to love Revelations, that’s my favourite game to date in the AC series,” replied Ristt_. “I've Platinumed all three Ezio games and I have to say you're lucky to go through it for the first time. I played these when I was younger and years later I still return,” wrote Ghost-of-farta.
The new fan has plenty to look forward to anyway, as there are numerous Assassin’s Creed titles in development - including one which will fulfil longtime fans’ dreams and be set in feudal Japan. Fingers crossed that it’ll live up to the hype.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft