Some things in life are inevitable. The creeping certainty of death. The rising sun. NSFW mods in popular video games.
As sure as Thanos will collect those Infinity Stones and wipe out half the universe, the moment a big game hits PC, modders will find a way to remove the clothes of the main characters.
Final Fantasy VII Remake finally made its way to PC after over a year of PlayStation exclusivity towards the end of 2021. If I'm being honest, I'm a little surprised it took this long for the naked mods to start popping up, especially given how alarmingly quickly the NSFW mods for Resident Evil Village arrived... and just how thirsty Final Fantasy fans are, historically speaking.
Over on NexusMods, there are currently two mods, one for Tifa and one for Aertith. Be warned, once again, that these mods are extremely NSFW and you shouldn't be looking at them at work. Unless you work from home, in which case, you do you.
Unlike many of the... less polite mods available on the website, these new ones don't actually alter the in-game character models - although I'm sure that's only a matter of time. Instead, the mods simply change the appearance of Tifa and Aerith in the menus. I'd ask why people want this, but I'm too afraid that I already know the answer.
If Final Fantasy VII Remake follows the same path as Resident Evil Village, I'm sure it won't be long until there are similar mods for Cloud, Barret, and the whole gang. A little something for everyone, assuming such mods are at all your cup of tea in the first place. Like I said: you do you.
Featured Image Credit: Square EnixTopics: Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy, PC