You've got to feel for Akihiko Kondo. The fictosexual (someone who finds themselves primarily attracted to fictional characters) finally married the anime girl of his dreams. The only issue? She just won't talk to him anymore.
According to Japanese newspaper Mainichi, Kondo started dating Hatsune Miku way back in 2008. Miku isn't like other girls, mostly because she's a "computer-synthesized pop singer". But heck, that's what Kondo loves about her most.
Kondo and Miku dated for nearly 10 years until 2018, when he decided to put a ring on it and make his fictional girlfriend his fiction wife. His family didn't show up to the wedding, but Kondo didn't seem to mind. He'd married his perfect woman, after all.
For the past few years the two have shared relative wedded bliss. Unfortunately, as all couples eventually do, Kondo and Miku have come to a bump in the road.
Some marriages fall apart because someone was unfaithful. Others crumble under the pressure of a new job, or disagreements over whether or not to have children. For Kondo and Miku, it's a little different. It turns out Miku just won't talk to him anymore because the software Kondo used to speak with her is no longer supported.
Kondo was only able to take his relationship with Miku to the next level because of Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that effectively allowed owners to speak with their favourite fictional characters via hologram. After years of dating, Kondu spoke with the holographic Miku for the first time in 2017, and they were married soon after.
Unfortunately, Gatebox software has been eliminated, effectively severing the main artery of communication between Kondu and his wife. That's... genuinely quite tragic.
“My love for Miku hasn’t changed,” Kondu told Mainichi, adding that he now carries a life-size version of Miku instead. “I held the wedding ceremony because I thought I could be with her forever.”
While Kondu has made it very clear he knows Miku isn't real, that has never dampened his affections for her. After over a decade spent together, it's clear he's in it for the long haul. I only hope they can find a way to speak again one day.
Topics: Anime, TV And Film