According to an industry leaker, Ubisoft is due to make a Far Cry announcement very soon revealing details of Far Cry 7.
In a cryptic tweet, the leaker posted four images along with the comment, “If nothing changes by then.” It’s leaving us puzzled, but excited.
Will Ubisoft stick to Hollywood talent for Far Cry 7?
The four images were of Cillian Murphy, who was rumoured to appear in the sequel, but this has since been debunked; an enormous crab, the number seven, and some dynamite with a countdown clock saying 72 hours.
It’s hard to make sense of any of this, really. It’s obvious what the number seven references, but the huge crab is anyone’s guess.
With Cillian Murphy confirmed as not appearing, it’s likely the game features someone called Cillian, or maybe simply Murphy and this could be the central protagonist or the game’s big bad guy.
The leaker has since commented that the image of Cillian Murphy “means something else” so it’s likely either a stab at a character, or maybe something linking to the nuclear bomb tests, seeing as we also have dynamite here.
Until Ubisoft comments or makes their announcement, it’s hard to make sense of this tweet. Does the dynamite simply mean there will be explosive action? Do we play as a bomb disposal expert? Or is it just a random image to get us talking?
It’s been a while since the last Far Cry game and we’re excited to find out more about the upcoming sequel. Now it’s a case of waiting, but will we be waiting until the summer? Or does Ubisoft plan to show off the game earlier than that?
The last Far Cry game took us to a fictional Caribbean island called Yara and starred Hollywood talent Giancarlo Esposito in the role of the dictator president.