After a mixed reception and a quiet launch, Far Cry 6 has been quietly killed off by Ubisoft with the studio announcing it will no longer be bringing updates to the game.
Released in 2021, Far Cry 6 was, as you can probably guess, the sixth instalment in the Far Cry series but perhaps the most disappointing. With repetitive missions, an absent villain and forgettable characters, Far Cry 6 fell short despite featuring Giancarlo Esposito as the main bad guy.
Check out how to get the Far Cry 6 secret ending below!
So it is perhaps no surprise that Ubisoft has decided to pull the plug on the latest FPS by taking to Twitter to announce it was done with the game. “Thanks to the millions of players who joined the fight!,” they wrote. “Your adventures can continue in Yara w/o interruption of online services however, the dev team will no longer be making updates to Far Cry 6. We appreciate your passion, creativity, & love of Chorizo, even Anton is proud!”
Despite mixed reviews, it appears as though some fans will be disappointed to see the game no longer receive updates. However, they were keen to share their thoughts on the title. “Thank you for this game, when I bought it and started playing it I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the game, and I want to finish it again soon for the second time, great game and looking forward to the next one in the franchise,” read one comment.
However, another comment simply said, “I didn’t even know there were still updates to FC6”, so it seems not everyone will be mourning its loss.
Fans of the series need not be disappointed as Ubisoft are currently working on its multiplayer extraction shooter. The Far Cry spin-off title will task you with surviving the Alaskan wilderness which will be the perfect filler whilst the studio is reportedly hard at work on Far Cry 7.