It’s been an eventful couple of months in the world of Pokémon. If you’re a long-time fan of the franchise, I’m willing to bet that you’ve shed a tear at some point. After all, our main guy Ash is finally moving on.
That’s right, Ash Ketchum and Pikachu are officially being replaced as Pokémon’s protagonists. It’s sad but it also makes sense. Ash is finally the world champion so there really is nothing left for him to achieve. It’s an achievement that was 25 years in the making. That’s not all though, Team Rocket are also leaving Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series. The show is currently airing Ash’s final episodes - the last of which will feature classic rival Gary. Now that it’s all over for Ash, fans have worked out exactly how many Pokémon the champion has caught. Actually, maybe there is something left for him to achieve.
Check out some incredible Pokémon art below.
We all know the classic theme tune. Gotta catch ‘em all, it’s true … except Ash apparently because he certainly didn’t catch ‘em all. He didn’t even come close. As reported by Dot Esports, Ash has owned a total of 77 Pokémon - and that’s if you count his 30 Tauros individually but don’t count those that he captured and released shortly after like Buzzwole, Stakataka, and Pheromosa.
It’s not the most impressive number, is it? It took GAMINGbible’s very own Catherine just 60 hours to track down all of Paldea’s 400 Pokémon in Pokémon Violet. Ash, my man, you have nothing on Catherine.
In related Pokémon news, Ash recently reunited with his Squirtle after 23 long years - plus the final episode will see him reunite with Brock and Misty. All in all, it’s an emotional time so I think we can forgive Ash for his lacklustre Pokémon catching.
Topics: Pokemon