Much like the bullet time feature, the Fallout series has its very own feature: VATS.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, also known as VATS, allows the player to freeze combat and specifically target six different limbs of the enemy at the cost of Action Points.
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The feature has remained mainly unchanged since Fallout 3 and is at its most satisfying when used to pop a ghoul’s head like a grape.
However, it appears as though some players use VATS for a whole different reason and, if you ask me, it is pretty smart.
This comes courtesy of r/Fallout where one user posted, “Anybody use VATS whenever they enter a new or dark area to make sure they aren't being snuck up on?
I swear I'm not the only one who does this.”
They are referring to the VATS ability to target any enemies in the vicinity, even if you can’t see them yourself.
With some locations being designed to have random ghouls pop out at you or play dead on the floor, this is quite a useful tip.
Another player seemed to agree when they said: “Spam VATS everywhere. Always.”
“I do it to see which ghouls are dead and which aren't,” another shared.
“That way I don't have a heart attack each time they do that gurgle and slap sound as they get up.”
This tip also comes in handy when fighting Fallout 4’s molerats which have a habit to burrow under the ground and pop up in random places as well as mines which can get you when you least expect it.
However, another player does things the hard way.
“I unbind the key just so I don't do this,” they shared.
“The game's a lot more fun for me when I can't mindlessly stumble around spamming a button instead of actually looking around or occasionally getting spooked.”