Tragedy struck when a Fallout 4 player’s game crashed, resulting in a nearly 100% complete save file being completely wiped out.
A very unlucky Fallout player spent over 200 hours attempting to beat the game 100%, including all DLC expansions, only to have their game crash, glitch, and erase all of their save files.
Sharing their story in a Reddit thread, the user said: “The game crashed and when I went to reload it all my save files where gone. I beat the main story, all of the dlcs and most of the side quests, I was in the process of completing a couple miscellaneous side quests and putting the finishing touches on my settlements.
“I was hoping to totally 100% the game, discover every location beat every quest get every bobblehead and magazine and unlock every perk. I made it to around level 90.”
Honestly, that sucks, and the worst part is no one knows why it happened. However, Bethesda games are well-known for their prominent bugs and glitches, so I don’t think many were surprised that the players save files got nuked.
Luckily, the user looked on the bright side, and is taking it as an opportunity to replay a game they enjoyed, saying: “Oh well looks like I gotta go play some more fallout now lol”. Hopefully they actually make it to the end this time.
That didn’t stop fellow fans from offering their regrets, some of which now have growing concerns the same glitch will delete their save files too.
“That stings. I can’t imagine. Got me scared I’d lose my play through. Sorry that happened to you.”
“Ouch. That sounds brutal. Sorry to learn that happened to you. I have to admire your spirit and attitude, though! I guess it’s a good thing you enjoy the game.”
“How do ALL the save files get corrupted? I've had individual files corrupted, but not every single of a game … Been thankful a handful of times for the PSN Cloud saves I never think about, when a save file got accidentally deleted or game progress messed up.”
While it’s gutting to have an entire save file wiped out, at least they can replay it knowing where the majority of items and characters are, hopefully making the journey to 100% a little bit easier.
One thing we know for sure is they definitely have enough time to 100% the game before Fallout 5 releases, which is supposedly a long way off, as it’s scheduled to release after Bethesda is done with The Elder Scrolls VI. It’ll also be an Xbox exclusive, a decision that’s sure to upset PlayStation users.
Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, Xbox, PlayStation, PC