I'm not sure if you know this, but there are... ahem, at least one or two bugs in most Bethesda games.
Open-world games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 are epic and filled with things to see and do, sure, but good lord are they busted-ass games.
Still, sometimes these glitches can work in our favour. Recently Fallout 4 players coming to the game off the back of the excellent Amazon Prime series are starting to find new ways to make the game work for them.
Whether that's by uncovering old tricks for unlimited EXP or making crafting that much easier, there are plenty of glitches and bugs that actually work in our favour.
One Fallout 4 player who has apparently been blessed by lady luck recently stumbled upon the body of a raider who just happened to have 99 million caps on its person.
Caps are the currency used in the Fallout universe, by the way. I'm assuming most of you already knew that or got it from context, but I don't want anyone getting left behind.
"Literally not one mod installed," Arkayne97 wrote on the Fallout subreddit. "How does this happen? Just a basic raider in the Corvega Assembly plant. The character is Atom, which is marked unmodded in the 2nd picture."
Sadly nobody seems to have been able to work out exactly how this glitch could have happened, which means it'll be nigh-on impossible to replicate. I guess just kill as many raiders as you can and hope you stumble on the next multimillionaire?
"And yet still raiding," remarked one Redditor of the wealthy NPC. "It's inspiring to see someone love what they do that much."
Some more cynical players believe that the original poster may have used console commands, meaning this glitch may not be as random as we'd hoped.
However, as multiple commenters have pointed out, it's absolutely not out of the realms of possibility that something like this could happen organically in a Bethesda game - especially one that hasn't been patched or fixed by modders already.