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Fallout 4 has a hidden treasure room you won’t find on the map

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Fallout 4 has a hidden treasure room you won’t find on the map

1,000+ hours in this game and I've never heard of "Bridgeway Trust"

One player has spotted one particularly lucrative, unmarked spot on the map in Fallout 4 that most of the player base has never even heard of, let alone been to.

Bridgeway Trust, an unmarked bank located roughly one block south of Back Street Apparel, was spotted by a user over on the r/fo4 subreddit.

“There are half a dozen banks in the Commonwealth, but none hold a candle to this ridiculous treasure trove,” commented user BuildingAirships.

“In addition to gold bars and stacks of money, there are SIXTEEN locked safes in the vault, far more than I've ever seen in one place. The total amount of loot you accumulate (particularly pre-war money you can sell for serious caps) is pretty unparalleled.”

Thankfully, for my own ego, I’m not the only one that didn’t realise this location even existed.

“I have nearly 3,000 hours in FO4,” replied user PeanutButterOtter, “I've never been here.”

“I’m at 1500 and same,” commented user BadRabiesJudger.

Is this the year we get an update on The Elder Scrolls VI?

Now actually finding Bridgeway Trust is one thing, but looting its contents is an entirely separate issue altogether.

For a start, getting into the actual vault requires you to have the third rank in the Hacker perk - so you can't actually get into it before you hit level 21 anyway.

You could always try and use Nick Valentine to get into it, but he's not guaranteed to crack the terminal (unless you save beforehand and reload).

And then once you’re actually in, a bunch of the safes require you to have either an Expert or Master lockpicking perk (although, again, you could always use Cait to help out).

I gotta wonder what other unmarked locations Bethesda hid across the map, because I honestly assumed I’d found everything this game had to offer at this point.

Ugh, fine, I’ll waste another evening trawling through the Fallout Wiki.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda