Most people will probably tell you that Fallout 3 is a better game than Fallout 4 and... well, they're kind of right.
While Fallout 4 is technically bigger and better, with more features and things to do, it's also a largely unfocused sequel that puts action over story. Fallout 3, meanwhile, hasn't aged brilliantly, but remains a hauntingly immersive experience that's well worth seeking out.
While rumours abound that we're about get a remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, there are still plenty of us hoping to see Fallout 3 revisited. Hell, I'd settle for a Nintendo Switch port at this point.
You can currently play a remastered version of Fallout 3 on Xbox Series X thanks to the console's wonderful performance boosting features, but who among us still doesn't crave a full remake? Certainly, a game like Fallout 3 deserves to be brought up to modern standards and made to shine.
Fortunately, fans are hard at work on exactly that. Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland is a mod that aims to recreate the entirety of Fallout 3 in Fallout 4. The project has been in development for years now, with the team even planning to re-record the original game's voice lines so as to avoid any legal issues with Bethesda. It is, truly, a staggering endeavour.
"We want to keep the first 3D entry alive and kicking by updating and bringing it into the current generation of gaming and graphics by rebuilding the entire Capital Wasteland - complete with quests, dialogue, and all locations - into Fallout 4's Creation Engine."
While Capital Wasteland isn't yet complete, you can download a number of smaller mods that introduce various enemies and weapons from Fallout 3. Just recently the team also announced a remake of the original game's Point Lookout DLC, and you can install a beta for that now.